

n 《危险货物港口建设项目安全设施设计专篇编制规范》

n 《客运码头安全基本要求》

n  《港口危险货物安全评价导则》




侯志强:港区油品管道风险评估技术及应用研究 安全与环境学报

阮超宇:Comparative study on the measures to the safety management of bulk liquid dangerous goods storage in port areas

兰马静:Application of Accident Causation Chain in Security Management of Ports and Channels

王俊勇:Research on accident causing chains with Bayesian networks on waterborne engineering

褚冠全:Critical Assessment on Dangerous Goods Storage Container Yard in Port Case Study of LPG Tank Container

胡玉昌:Construction of Safety Risk Management Platform for Storage Tank Concentration Zone in the Port Area

王国波:Trend and Hotspot Analysis of Waterway Transportation Safety Based on Bibliometrics

耿杰哲:Research on application of holographic navigation marks in the upper reaches of Yangtze River

马明路:Comparison of maritime safety management modes and measures for main inland waterways in China, US, and EU

卢新:Comparative study on safe storage of dangerous goods containers in port areas

阮超宇:Reliability-based approach to the assessment of hydrate formation probability in deep-sea wet-gas pipelines

侯志强:Analysis on safety defect of port dangerous goods enterprise

徐连胜:《长江水运安全风险辨识评价与防控方法》(ISBN 978-7-5629-6068-3,武汉理工大学出版社,2019年9月)

侯志强:水运安全研究创新与实践(ISBN 978-7-114-15758-4,人民交通出版社股份有限公司,2019年12月)

侯志强:港口作业安全评价(ISBN 978-7-114-15657-8,人民交通出版社股份有限公司,2019年12月)